Road to Graduation Commence

Couple Fitness Photo:



Hello Fitquesters! “L” here and I am so excited to kick things off once again! This time I have the motivation and more importantly the time to get my fitness back on track. I tried to do the 28-day reset challenge during the beginning of the year but university really proved to be such a roadblock that I was unable to conquer. It sucked… big time 3 but I am not giving up. I don’t want to give up AT ALL and I am more than determined to get my life back in check. This is in order to be the best version of me in time for Continue reading “Road to Graduation Commence”

28-Day Reset Challenge (commence)

Happy New Year everyone! L here! 16

I am a serial blogger and I always love making blog posts both personal and information heavy ones. But the past 2 years or so, I have been really lazy and uninspired to get normalanything done due to the hectic schedules at the university which in turn has led me to seek rest instead of getting a crunch time on my health and fitness.
2016 has proven to be a very unhealthy year for me, where I ate anything and everything I wanted to without second thought to the repercussions on my health and weight 18. So in other terms, I really let myself go and I have no excuses for it.

2017 is now upon us my mother who is 1 exam away from being a certified health and lifestyle coach has urged me and a few others to take on Cassey Ho’s 28-Day Reset challenge. This is where you basically get rid of 5 things in your diet for 28 days. 7

  1. Dairy
  2. Gluten
  3. Added Sugar
  4. Processed food
  5. Alcohol

Okay so this is going to be a challenge since living in this part of this country means that food options are quite limited because this city is a very “foodie” city which means…. processed and added sugar food EVERYWHERE. 15 So it is going to be up to me and my roommate, Frain to keep my diet on track with the best of our abilities and budgets.

Along with the diet, I am supposed to do some exercises 6 days a week, but unfortunately I am not in any condition (budget and time-wise) to perform workouts because I am extremely busy and plenty of payables. So I have decided to take things slow this 2017.

Slow and steady wins the race.

But perhaps, come February, I might be able to start going to the gym again.

Anyway for those who are interested in also doing a 2.8-day Reset challenge. be sure to check out Cassey Ho’s blog here

So wish me luck and I hope to see ya’ll here more!

21 L


Nominated For The Liebster Award

Hello L and R here on a joint blog post regarding being nominated for the Liebster Award by .Endless Expeditions. Thank you so much for nominating us. It means a lot and it has pushed us to get back into blogging about our quest to becoming fit together. ❤


The Liebster Award is an award given to bloggers by other bloggers. This award goes way back 2011. Think of it as a way to easily earn new friends in the blogging community!

Here are 10 random facts about us:

Continue reading “Nominated For The Liebster Award”

Determination is a Must

I find myself really struggling with my fitness and workout routines due to my insane schedules in university, but I always try my best to Continue reading “Determination is a Must”